ARK is an all in one inclusive fitness facility that provides a variety of movement practices for all ages and skill levels. ARK strives to provide a space where families and learn, grow, train, and excel together as a community; both inside and outside of our facility. ARK looks to provide a variety of Movement practices for the entire family to enjoy, from Ninja Warrior to Parkour, and Functional Strength training. At ARK fitness, we want to help anyone and everyone we interact with become better in some way! We strive to help all individuals pursue a life of excellence, find new limits, and become the best version of themselves through the art of movement. We truly believe that growth happens in circles, and we are here to provide a space where those circles can be planted.

Battle Ropes & Pulleys
Suspended Ropes
Barbells & Bumper Plates
Free Weights
Weight Training Gloves
Step Benches
Yoga Mats & Blocks
Gymnastics Studio & Rings
Custom Obstacle Course
Locker Room
Showers & Towels
Premium Toiletries